就 g0v 零時政府揪松團(以下稱「揪松團」)與吳銘軒先生間聘僱關係,有以下幾點說明:
g0v 零時政府是眾多「沒有人」共同參與的社群,經過七年來的發展,自然形成許多專案與任務小組。在「沒有人」可以代表 g0v 的社群共識下,揪松團贊同並支持各專案或任務小組成員,以自己參與專案的經驗與全世界交流,並將交流成果與連結帶回,與 g0v 社群共享。揪松團遵守社群共識,也將持續致力分享揪松團的經驗與成果。
若有聯絡需求,請來信 jothon-organizers@g0v.tw
g0v 零時政府揪松團
Dear friends & partners,
This is a public notice from g0v Jothon Organizers Team (g0v-jothon) regarding Mr. Wu Min-Hsuan (ttcat).
For the past 7 years in the g0v community, many project-based teams and task forces have formed and evolved. This multi-centered community abides the “nobody represents g0v” consensus. The Team supports contributors sharing with the world about their projects, as well as imparting the global networks with the g0v community. As a g0v task force, the Team is committed to respect and practice this community consensus.
For further information, contact us at jothon-organizers@g0v.tw
g0v Jothon Organizers Team
揪松網將於 2019/06/04 凌晨進行例行維修與檢測,屆時無法連線乃屬正常現象,絕對與日期沒有任何關係,請大家放心使用。